On 12 December, a master class on “Ancient culture and philosophy and its place in world history” was organized at the Tashkent International University of Education for students of the direction “Management of education and educational processes”. The master class was conducted by Professor of the National University of Uzbekistan Karimov Rakhmat Rakhmanovich.
Professor R.R.Karimov is one of the leading specialists in the history of philosophy in the republic, who stands at the foundation of the formation of a research school of philosophical comparativism and intercultural philosophy in our country. He is the author of textbooks and teaching aids, the supervisor of a number of Doctors of Philosophy (PhD), a member of scientific seminars and qualification exams.
During the master class, Professor R. Karimov highlighted the main milestones of the formation and development of ancient philosophy and culture, its main representatives, and also noted the place that ancient culture occupies in the history of world civilization. Separately, attention was paid to the issues of education and training in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, which created the foundation for the development of subsequent European culture. Students took an active part in the master class, asked various questions, and had a lively discussion.