The text and music of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan were approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 1992 “On the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.
Article 2 of this Law states: “The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a symbol of the state sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Deep respect for the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a patriotic duty of every citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan.”
The national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan is an expression of the independence of our country. The words of the anthem awaken in the hearts of our citizens feelings of dedication, determination, national pride, patriotism.
The national anthem may be performed during national events, political gatherings, sports competitions, official state meetings, receptions of heads of various foreign states, and other cases provided for by law and with the necessary respect for it.
The words to the National Anthem were written by the People’s poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov, the music was composed by the People’s Artist, composer Mutal Burkhanov.
Serquyosh hur o’lkam, elga baxt, najot,
Sen o’zing do’stlarga yo’ldosh, mehribon!
Yashnagay to abad ilmu fan, ijod,
Shuhrating porlasin toki bor jahon!
Oltin bu vodiylar – jon O’zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug’ xalq qudrati jo’sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!
Bag’ri keng o’zbekning o’chmas iymoni,
Erkin, yosh avlodlar senga zo’r qanot!
Istiqlol mash’ali tinchlik posboni,
Xaqsevar, ona yurt, mangu bo’l obod!
Oltin bu vodiylar – jon O’zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug’ xalq qudrati jo’sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!