TIUE’s performance on “Digital GENERATION ladies 2021” to support female IT development

TIUE took a part in the forum of “DIGITAL GENERATION LADIES 2021”, which was organized on the 3rd of March in the specialized school named after Mukhammad al-Khorazmi.

Islam El Xadari – Academic director of International foundation program participated as a representative of TIUE. While giving a speech about “Effective management of IT projects” he emphasized:

  • Steps of initiation processes and completing projects
  • Steps of planning processes
  • Skills for effective organization of projects
  • Evaluation of project manager in the sphere of IT
  • The primary reasons for failure in IT projects and methods for successful projections

Also, participants found out about the effective experience and achievements of foreign companies such as  Toshiba, Lexus, Toyota, SHARP, LG, Pepsi, IKEA, и Davidoff. In the end of the forum, the participants were interested in branches of IT and got reasonable responses from the speakers.