On 13 November, students of Tashkent International University of Education (TIUE) visited the historical city of our republic, the pearl of the East – the city of Samarkand.

The visit to the ancient historical center of the empire of Amir Temur began with a visit to the Paper Mill “Meros” in the village of Konigil. Here the students got acquainted with the production of the famous Samarkand paper, which can be preserved for 2 thousand years.

Then the students visited the historical monument of Samarkand – Registan Square, where the madrasahs of Sherdor, Tillya Kori and Ulugbek are located. Students had the opportunity to directly see the architecture of the Timurid era, its greatness and beauty. In addition, the city market “Sieb”, known as the largest and oldest bazaar in Samarkand, was visited.

Following the results of the trip to Samarkand, the students had deep impressions and memories.