Today in Uzbekistan, the President and the Government of the country pay great attention to the development of reading culture, especially among the younger generation. In order to implement concrete practical measures in this area, a National program for the development and support of reading Culture was adopted in 2020.
On 21 December, students of the Information Technology direction of the Tashkent International University of Education visited the Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan as part of a field trip – the largest library in the republic, which contains various artistic, scientific and popular publications in Uzbek and foreign languages.
The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the information technologies that are implemented in the National Library of Uzbekistan, namely, the consolidated electronic catalog, which collected the bibliographic catalog of more than 2000 libraries of Uzbekistan. The students also got acquainted with the procedure of providing interactive services to readers, including digitization of manuscripts and access to foreign electronic resources. The login and password received by the ID card gives access to the entrance to the consolidated electronic catalog; RFID technology is used, which accelerates the inventory, search and issuance of books in the library, and RFID tags allow you to monitor the timely return of literature.