TIUE professors and lecturers publish their monographs

Professors and teachers of Tashkent International University of Education (TIUE) have published their monographs.

In particular, Ruslan Sultanov, head of the Department of Information Technologies at TIUE, became the author of the monograph “Development of a software package for the formation of educational content based on artificial intelligence.”

The monograph is devoted to the development of a software package that uses artificial intelligence methods to form educational content.

The author describes the basic principles and methods used in the development of the complex, and also suggests specific algorithms and machine learning models that are used in the complex. Particular attention is paid to the development of a system for analyzing student data and creating individual educational trajectories based on this analysis.

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology at TIUE Nodir Khodzhaev published a monograph on the topic “Dual education in higher education”.

The work is devoted to the implementation of dual education in the system of higher education, its theoretical and practical foundations and foreign experience in this area, and is intended for pedagogical specialists and all those interested in the problems of dual education and higher education.

The author argues that the use of foreign experience in the organization of dual training will allow, with a skillful competency-based approach, to create a national model of practice-oriented education in Uzbekistan in the shortest possible time, without blindly copying known technologies, but to introduce the positive progressive that is currently acceptable under the current system of education in our country.

Another monograph by Nodir Khodjaev on the topic “Wireless sensor networks” has also been published.

The monograph systematizes numerous information, standards and approaches to the technical implementation of the concept of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things (Internet of Things, IoT), as well as related infocommunication technologies (RFID radio frequency identification, WSN wireless sensor networks, M2M machine-to-machine communications).

The protocols and technologies for data transmission are considered, numerous examples of the practical implementation of the Internet of things are given. The basics of economic calculation of the economic efficiency of using wireless sensor networks in various fields of human activity are given.

The monograph is intended for bachelors and masters studying in the direction of “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”. It can also be useful for students studying in the following areas: “Informatics and Computer Engineering”, “Information Systems and Technologies”, “Intelligent Systems in the Humanities”, “Applied Informatics”.

Associate Professor of the Department of Business Management at TIUE Anush Tsakanyan became the author of the monograph “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”.

The monograph provides a description of the methods of teaching foreign languages, indicates the role and place in improving the speech competencies of students.

The study reveals the issue of improving the study of foreign languages in Uzbekistan. The author also highlights the main pedagogical concepts in the context of training teachers and teachers of a foreign language: goals, approaches, principles and methods of teaching. The information given in the monograph can be used in the pedagogical activity of university teachers, be useful for students and undergraduates of universities, as well as in the system of advanced training of public education workers.