Students have their first pedagogical experience in public school

On 16 April 2022, freshmen students in the direction of “Management of Education and Educational Processes” held their first classes with students of secondary school No. 30 of Yashnabad district as part of the “Visits to production” project.

Students prepared interactive classes using innovative teaching methods in various academic disciplines for students in grades 5-9. These were the first steps in the independent practice activity of our students in developing the practical skills of the future teacher. These experimental classes were successfully conducted by students, this is evidenced by the positive feedback from teachers and students themselves.

Most importantly, the students got the opportunity to prove themselves, they were also satisfied and inspired by the fact that they had the opportunity to put into practice their knowledge and skills acquired at the University. It should be noted that some teachers of the school expressed the opinion that the visit of the growing generation of teachers inspired them to apply new pedagogical technologies.

The educational practice within the framework of the project “Visits to the production” of our students continues.