On 21 October, at the Tashkent International University of Education (TIUE), Professor of the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy Ruzmatova Gulnoz Mirakhrarovna held a master class on the topic “Problems of the unconscious in the individual and ways to solve them.”
The master class was attended by students of the Faculty of “Management of Education and educational processes”, as well as representatives of the departments of the university. During the master class, Professor G.Ruzmatova highlighted the issues of the formation and development of human consciousness, the peculiarities of the process of human cognition of objective reality, as well as the phenomenon of the unconscious and its features. These questions are especially relevant in the framework of modules such as “Introduction to Psychology”, “Theory of Knowledge” and “Educational Psychology”.
Students took an active part in the master class, asked various questions, and had a lively discussion. At the end of the master class, the student received new knowledge and skills about the phenomenon of the unconscious for further application in both academic and professional activities.
The organizer of the master class: teacher of the department “Management of education and educational processes”, PhD D.Rakhimdzhanova.