Tashkent International University of Education (TIUE) in line with the agreement with the Scientific Research Institute for the study of problems and establishment of the prospects of Public Education named after Abdulla Avloni offers dormitory for students.
Students of TIUE can get accommodation in the dormitory of the the Scientific Research Institute for the study of problems and establishment of the prospects of Public Education named after Abdulla Avloni at the lowest prices.
Address of Dormitory
6, Ziyo street,
Almazar district,
Tashkent city
Student Services: 9:00-17:00
Service phone number: +99897 4493833
Email: ssd@tiue.uz
Please note that the number of available rooms in the dormitory is limited. The university cannot provide accommodation for all students. The accommodation is provided on a first come, first served basis.
Newly admitted students, who receive a Notice of Admission to the University, need to reserve rooms in advance, according to the date, time and procedure established by the University.