On February 15, 2024, an agreement on cooperation between OOO “Tashkent International University of Education” (TIUE) and OOO “Tashkent Metropolitan University” (TMU) was signed in Tashkent. TIUE Rector NN Khodjayev and TMU Rector B.SH. Dzhalilov signed a document on the direction of development of mutual relations between educational institutions.

According to the agreement, the parties are obliged to develop joint educational programs and projects, to hold joint conferences and seminars.

One of the most important parts of the contract is this
Decision on admission of TMU students to the 1st stage of the TIUE Bachelor’s program after successful completion of the International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies program.

This agreement is an important step in strengthening the cooperation between the two universities and reflects their common efforts in the development of education and science.