Gerson Lapid Jr,
Director of the International Foundation Program (IFP)
Master’s Degree in Education and Innovation – Webster University in Tashkent, 2023

Tajikhodjaeva Elvira Rashidovna,
head of department
“Information Technology.”
System Engineer, Tashkent State Technical University named after А. R. Beruni, 1996.

Dr. David Thompson,
Leading Professor of
the Department of Business Management,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree –
Cornell University, USA, 1987

Bekbaev Rauf Rustamovich
Head of the Department of Education and Training Management
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree – National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2023


Sheraliev Oybek Rikhsillaevich

Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, (DSc) in Political Science – University of World Economy and Diplomacy, 2011.

Sultanov Ruslan Rustamovich 
Professor of the Department of Information Technologies,
Degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) – Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, 2022.

Sadritdinova Zulfiya Israilovna,
Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology,
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences – Tashkent State University, 1994.

Tursunov Nuriddin Nurullaevich
Lecturer in the Department of Business Management, PhD in Political Science (PhD), School of Public Policy and Administration at the Korea Development Institute,2007

Saidova Kamola Uskanbaevna,
Professor of the Department of Education and Training Management
Doctor of Science (DSc) Degree – National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek , 2022

Rasulev Dilmurod Mirza-Akhmedovich,
Professor of the Department of Business Management
Doctor of Economics degree (DSc) – Tashkent State University of Economics, 2004

Chay Zoya
Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences – Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 1994.

Abdullaeva Yulduzkhon 
Lecturer at the Business Management Department,
Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree – University of Sunderland (UK), 2018

Makhmudova Gulnora Mannapovna 
Associate Professor of “Business Management” Department
Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD) – Institute of Economics at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 1990

Tukhtaev Bakhtiyor Muradovich ,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Management,
Master’s Degree in Marketing – International Westminster University in Tashkent, 2009

Nigina Habibiy,
Lecturer at the Department of Business Management,
Master’s Degree in Management – Singapore Institute of Management Development in Tashkent, 2018

Akhmedova Iroda Nurmukhamedovna 
Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies
Applied Mathematics, Tashkent State University, 1994

Valieva Feruza Abdikhalimovna,
Lecturer of the Department of Business Management,
Master’s degree in Project Management – Banking and Finance Academy, 2023

Ruziev Ulugbek
Lecturer, Department of Information Technologies
Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Informatics – National University of Uzbekistan named after I.M. Gubkin. Mirzo Ulugbek, 2019.

Mamatov Shavkat Shakhobiddinovich

Lecturer at the Department of Business Management, Master of Public Finance Management – Tashkent State University of Economics, 2006.

Saidkhanov Saidislombek Saidumar o‘g‘li

Lecturer, Department of Business Management, Master of Management – ​​School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea, 2016

Davydova Rufina
Lecturer of the Department of Education and Management of the Educational Process, Master of Philosophy at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2023.

Juraboeva Guzal Sabirdzhanovna
Lecturer of the Department of Information Technologies, Master of Internet Materials, Tashkent Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi, 2023.

Azamatova Gulrukh
Islam kizi
Lecturer at the Department of Educational Management and Educational Processes, Master of International Economics and Management – University of World Economy and Diplomacy, 2021.

Mamajonova Shakhzodakhon
Yokubzhon qizi

Lecturer of the Department of Education and Training Management
Master’s Degree in Psychology – National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2022

Mahkamov Farkhod
Lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies, Master of Internet Materials, Tashkent Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi, 2023

Rakhimdzhonova Dilnavoz
Sunnat kizi
Associate Professor at the Department of Education and Management of the Educational Process, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in philosophy – National University of Uzbekistan, 2022.

Turakulova Aziza
Sanjar kizi.
Lecturer of the Department of Education and Management of the Educational Process, Master of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2019.

Murodullaev Bakhtiyor
Lecturer at the Department of Information Technologies, Master of Science in Computer Science, Tashkent Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, 2020.