South Korean science and technology research

on March 20 of this year. Negotiations were held with the management of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology...

Exciting Opportunity for TIUE Students

Are you harboring a business idea but feel uncertain about how to kick-start it or lack the initial capital? Or...

“Tashkent International University of Education” Rector’s Olympiad

201 11th-grade students from general schools in Tashkent will participate in the Olympiad and test their knowledge of mathematics and...

Dear EXTERNAL students!

We would like to inform you that the CONSULTATION ( dates for the first attempt (1st Retake) of the 2023-2024...

The meeting you have been waiting for!

The meeting you have been waiting for! MASTER CLASS from Madina Komilovna on the topic of impact of Blockchain and...

A master class was held at TIUE

On February 16 of this year, at the "Tashkent International University of Education" international university, at the initiative of the...

Education Loans for TIUE University Students!

We are pleased to inform you about the possibilities of obtaining educational loans from Turonbank, Aloqabank, MKBankdan and OrientFinansBank. These...
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