Dear students of отделения‼️

Reminder that:
🔰All students are required to attend the examinations at the strictly specified time as per the examination schedule.
🔰 During exams, it is strictly necessary to follow the rules of discipline and order. Students are required to present the ID card before taking the exam.
🔰Instruction for written exams:

‼️ Before exams begin:
✅ Arrive at the classroom 20 minutes before the start of the exam. If a student is tardy, he/she will not be allowed to take the exams;
✅Provide ID card or original passport to confirm identity;
✅Bring a pen, pencil, and calculator for the math exam (if allowed by the rules);
✅ It is allowed to bring a bottle of water (0.5 liters);
✅ Verify the room number and seating number that will be assigned to each student;
✅Before entering the exam room, students should be prepared to be examined for cheat sheets or items not authorized for use during the exam;
✅After being allowed to enter the auditorium, students should take their seat and await further instructions from the invigilators (responsible university representatives) and not touch the question papers until the exams begin. After entering the classroom, it is forbidden to socialize with students;
✅ Use the restroom before entering the classroom.

⛔️ It is strictly forbidden to carry:

🔴 Phone/smartwatch, gadgets or bag. If available, the listed items should be left at the entrance to the auditorium.
🔴 Cribs, notebook, or any other extraneous items unless instructed to do so.
During exams:
🔴 It is forbidden to socialize with students;
Carefully fill in your details in the examination/response sheet and be sure to indicate your ID number according to your passport and/or ID card and the index – number indicated on the student’s table.
🔴 It is forbidden to mingle with students, look around, talk or disturb others during exams and break any rules of discipline and order.
If you have any questions, raise your hand and wait for the invigilator to approach you.
🔴 Stop writing at the end of the exam time and hand in your work to the invigilator strictly as instructed.
🔴 During exams it is forbidden to leave the room if the student has not handed in the work.

📞 For more information, contact the Office of Student Affairs (113-Cabinet) or the Office of Examinations (102-Cabinet), or contact 55-512-20-20 and e-mail;