A scientific journal. (license number #122187. ISSN: 3030-3141)

The scientific and electronic journal “ACTA EDUCATION” (https://actaeducation.uz), accepts for publication the results of interdisciplinary research, which cover fundamental, theoretical and applied scientific research and various directions in the field of pedagogy and education, exact and natural sciences, information technology, as well as technical sciences.

(https://actaeducation.uz) Articles are accepted based on IMRAD requirements.

ActaEducation magazine website: www.actaeducation.uz(https://actaeducation.uz)
Journal Indexing:
Google Scholar(https://scholar.google.com/)
CrossRef DOI.
Index Copernicus
And other bases

💰 Price: FREE 🆓

Language of articles: accepted in Uzbek, Russian, English languages.

📃 Article Writing Requirements: Requirements (https://actaeducation.uz/index.php/journal/Rulesforauthors)