On 16 May, Tashkent International University of Education (TIUE) held a seminar “Freelance is the profession of the future”, organized jointly with the Ministry of Digital Technologies, the Center for Digital Economy Research and freelance.uz.
The event attracted over 150 young people interested in using their skills to make money. As part of the seminar, invited specialists and experts in the field of freelance shared their experience and knowledge with the participants.
The seminar was opened by TIUE Rector Nosir Khodjaev, who noted the active development of the freelance market in Uzbekistan, which provides young people with language and computer skills with the opportunity to find work and earn money.
Among the speakers at the event were invited experts: Sardor Islamov, GDE expert, Ibrahim Isroilov, data analyst, and Kamron Juraev, front-end programmer. They shared their experience of working on various foreign freelance platforms.
The seminar “Freelance is the profession of the future” has become a valuable source of information and inspiration for all participants. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the possibilities of freelancing and learn how to apply their skills to achieve financial independence and career development.