Dear teachers and colleagues!
The role of a mentor is very important in the development of each person’s personality, as well as in his formation as a professional.
In addition to knowledge, selfless, faithful teachers instill the noblest qualities in their students, filling their hearts with kindness and humanity. The successes of our sons and daughters, who achieve high results with their talents, abilities and deep knowledge in various fields, are primarily the result of the hard work of highly respected teachers. The announcement of October 1 as the Day of Teachers and Mentors in our country is the highest recognition of the work of many thousands of teachers, mentors and teachers who make an outstanding contribution to the development of Uzbekistan’s independence.
The renewed Uzbekistan is successfully carrying out reforms and the formation of our country on a par with the most developed and modern countries of the world will undoubtedly be achieved through the development of science and education.
Thanks to the sensitive attention of the state to educational institutions, new opportunities are being created to strengthen the material and technical base, improve the skills of teachers and mentors, strengthen scientific and pedagogical cooperation with leading educational centers abroad, introduce modern educational and information technologies, as well as new teaching methods in the educational process.
On behalf of the administration and the staff of Tashkent International University of Education, we congratulate you on October 1 — the Day of Teachers and Mentors, we wish you good health, happiness and good luck, peace and prosperity to your home!